Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Second Post: It's a Beautiful Day

It is lovely outside. It is a wonderful day for a nice, big deli sandwich. Lucky for me, yesterday was too. I got quite possibly the best sandwich ever made. The folks over at Valnizza Deli on Sloat and 4th street in Monterey hooked it up with the tri-tip and everything on it. Do it. For those of you who are too far away, yes, it is worth a trip up/down here for one.

They ALSO HAVE LIQUOR, something you will not, I repeat, will not find in the evergreen state. Washington. They, through some prohibitionist bullshit have separated completely the stores that sell alcohol other than beer, wine, and mad dogs (what the hell are they really, juice?) from the stores that sell other things. All other things. Which means that an anticipatory purchase of chips, should I get hungry whilst drinking, with my rum is thereby impossible. God forbid I buy my chips and my rum at the same establishment. Bastards.


The Fraud

Thursday, April 2, 2009

After many requests, I've finally dragged myself out of my blogging funk and am ready to start posting more often, because its always necessary to win the crowd over. I didn't know Genesis and the Fraud were getting as big as Steve Nash until I saw that Villanova coach Jay Wright was clearly an avid fan. Coach Wright seems to have taken my advice to heart, letting virtually unknown Scottie Renyolds blossom into one of the stars of the tournament by taking the ball to the hoop in the closing seconds, without giving the Pitt defense a chance to set up by calling a useless timeout...(Genesis note: I know they had no timeouts left, but this way I seem right). Anyways, I was going to go on about this, but being that my bracket's chance of winning are the same as this guy one day working for ESPN, I'm going to turn my attention elsewhere.

You see, I am going through a day that is making me think about turning in my title as the Ultimate Fan. I am and will always be a Bronco fan. But today I took a blow that will take years to recover from. After an off-season where they already fired the face of the franchise, Mike Shannahan, the Broncos have topped themselves by trading away their best player. Jay Cutler, the 25 year old pro-bowler who led Denver to the second-highest rated offense in the league, was traded for Kyle Orton and some draft picks. Are you kidding me? Kyle Orton backed up Brian Griese and Rex Grossman during his stint in Chicago. Brian Griese the quarterback who made Jake Plummer look like a savior in Denver, and Sexy Rexy the turnover machine. Your telling me that this was a good trade. I understand that Cutler wanted out, but at least get someone with potential that can be molded into the star that Cutler has become, like the rumoured Brady Quinn. Even the barrel man, must be considering turning in the barrel. But have no fear Genesis nation, I am standing behind my team and my Orton jersey is in the mail. Thanks to the early 80s, I know that going separate ways can lead to greatness (tell me that's not the best music video you've ever seen), and I wish Cutler the best. Now lets get on to some commandments.

II. Thou shall think their favorite team is one player away from being a championship dynasty.
You have to think your team is on the brink of greatness, even if they have been in a perennial basement team for the better half of a decade. Give the Utah Jazz (of the 90s or of now) a formable center who is a defensive presence and can score from 10 feet in, the Jazz add some banners. Instead the Jazz had Greg Ostertag and as a result have as many banners hanging from the rafters at there are families without guns after watching this. If you don't have the false hope that you are only one Kevin Garnett away from a titile, what's the point.

On second thought, too tired to do movies, music and tv from yesterdays epic prank war, will do double time next post.
