Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Second Post: It's a Beautiful Day

It is lovely outside. It is a wonderful day for a nice, big deli sandwich. Lucky for me, yesterday was too. I got quite possibly the best sandwich ever made. The folks over at Valnizza Deli on Sloat and 4th street in Monterey hooked it up with the tri-tip and everything on it. Do it. For those of you who are too far away, yes, it is worth a trip up/down here for one.

They ALSO HAVE LIQUOR, something you will not, I repeat, will not find in the evergreen state. Washington. They, through some prohibitionist bullshit have separated completely the stores that sell alcohol other than beer, wine, and mad dogs (what the hell are they really, juice?) from the stores that sell other things. All other things. Which means that an anticipatory purchase of chips, should I get hungry whilst drinking, with my rum is thereby impossible. God forbid I buy my chips and my rum at the same establishment. Bastards.


The Fraud

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