Saturday, May 9, 2009



My freshman year is over (!). How was it, you ask? I know you do, you sly devils. Well...

The more I realize that indeed my first year of college is over, the less it seems like a milestone. I did do lots of things. I got drunk, had sex with people i didnt know and never saw after, ate shitty food, went to class hung over, didnt often wear clothes, passed out in weird places, smoked my fair share of da reefah, saw a kid fall off of a second story balcony onto his feet, and wrestled his friend on an abandoned mattress. Yep, it was cool. However, it's "how i roll" as the kids are saying these days.

College is just a big lie to get you to go to more school. All of those older people who say "it's the best time if your life," and "you'll have 'a blast',". Well they're working for him! That's right, the man. And I, for one, won't stand for it.

A wise man (me) once said, "College would be the ideal lifestyle without the classes." Well here I am America, saying fuck the classes, I'm going home. But not, I'm going back to school next year, but not going to class. At all. Not one single one. I will be drinking and smoking and sexing and sleeping, with the occasional workout. Who's with me?!

Your loving social and as it turns out, educational, slave,

The Fraud

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